
Invisible Gorilla

Bizfluencer Jack Myers’s “you want it, you take it” battle cry has vaulted him from suburban Indianapolis to private jets, trophy wife, estate in Brentwood, entourage, multimillions of followers, and books in airports across the country.

But when he finally gets a top Los Angeles producer’s interest in turning his YouTube channel into a national television show, a gossip rag runs a takedown that has the entire internet calling Jack a fraud.

Whether or not Jack put a tad too much spin on the truth of his origin story, he knows he’s earned his place in the spotlight.

If only he could get everyone else to see it the same way.

As his clients, wife, entourage, and followers disappear and the bank threatens to repossess his estate, Jack turns to lying, cheating, and blackmailing the people he considers “throwaway” and the friends and family he has remaining to try to claw back into pole position.

When he’s driven to seek his first real job, even the local taco shop won’t hire him. A confrontation with the hollowness and superficiality of his former life motivates Jack to take his first steps toward repairing his wrongs, adding actual value, and discovering genuine self-worth.

INVISIBLE GORILLA (82,000 words) is an upmarket novel currently seeking representation. For more information, contact me.